In Oshitanifs Laboratory, around 30 people are registered every year including thirdand fourth year department
students and graduate students. (masters, doctorates) The seminar student studies various themes about education
and social problem mainly on moral education. Professor Oshitani instructs carefully while listening to each students
thoughts and opinions. Here, I would like to introduce the characteristics of the laboratory to those of you
thinking of studying at OshitanifsLaboratory.
  • What kind of people are registered at the laboratory?
      Straight Masters, office workers, housewives, present teachers, former teachers,
      cram school teachers, exchange students etc., including a wide age group (20-60 yrs. old) of students.
  • I would like to study at graduate school but I am worried whether I can attend classes
    or not because I work.
      ‡@Because the course schedule is starts at a little past 6:00 pm and or also on Saturday,
         you can adjust it to fit your lifestyle and study the class subject. Also because the seminars are set for
         small numbers, the regulated environment makes it easy to ask questions.

      ‡ALong term study systems (as much as 2 years/2 year fees as such) are utilized by many graduate students
          steadily move forward with studies slowly and carefully.
          In addition, Professor Oshitani will consult with you on the schedule.
  • Because I have never studied in Japan, I am worried about getting an operational PC,
    about classes, Japanese etc.
      Among the new students of the graduate school, there are some that have never used a PC up to now.
      But senior graduate students and instructors can teach the things to do for presentations etc.,
      that you do not understand in detail so there is nothing to worry about. Besides, learning will not be a problem
      for those who have met the examination eligibility requirements for Japanese.
  • What are the merits for studying at Oshitanifs Laboratory?
    about classes, Japanese etc.
      yThe international community can be researchedz
      Carrying out oversea school visits and various investigations through the past projects with a focus on the
      USA and China, Korea, Taiwan etc. I have announced research results positively in international circles.
      Therefore, the chance to broaden your research globally as well as in Japan is provided by studying in
      Oshitanifs Laboratory.

      yKind friends and a fun eventz
      Oshitanifs Lab Seminar students are to say the least, outgoing and all very kind people.
      Not just in class, but other fun events like celebrating the lunar New Year and Professor Oshitanifs birthday
      every year. In addition guest teachers are invited and special lectures are held every year as well.

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